Sunday, December 9, 2012


            Happiness is the clue why people are cheerful and lively, but sometimes people tend to be sad because of their status and failure in life. Happiness is everywhere it’s our choice if we want to show or to make feel by everyone that we are happy and contented. Being happy has two option or reason why is it existing; happiness because of your love ones and happiness you feel in your relationship with God. Happiness is endless or forever just grabs the chance of being happy every day.

            First happiness between your love ones, this relationship embodies the relationship among your family, friend, relatives and even your partners in CRIME I mean partners in LIFE. This kind of relationship needs focus, care, and support because if this three don’t exist among your love ones the happiness will not fulfilled unlike when it is present surely the family will last forever and no one can break it. Second happiness between YOU and God, this happiness will be fulfilled if you have these three characteristics; first, communication, a person will be happy if he always knows how to communicate with God through PRAYERS with his whole heart, mind and soul. Second, faithful, being faithful with God is a good quality to be happy and always feeling good with faith. Lastly, PASSION, the passion of loving God in many ways and the passion of surrendering yourself with him and also letting him to control your life and surely you will be on the right path to be happy and all the problems and struggles will not be as hard as ever.

            For the conclusion, Happiness can be experience everywhere and anytime but the real happiness will occur when you have real relationship especially with God because without Him we are useless and not contented and happy with our lives. God is the main reason why we are happy and also God is the reason why we are smiling every day. Always say YES to opportunity and you will be the happYESt person here on earth because with God you will be happy companions are nothing without Him. God has the power to make us happy and have joy in our hearts so we should not waste our time in a problem just passed by them and surely you will be 100% HAPPY.


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