Sunday, December 9, 2012


Being a student is really hard, but I think it is not, because with your dedication to strive your goal you can do all things. They say that there is a part of studying when you can learn at the same time having fun and that is HIGHSCHOOL LIFE. Highschool is cool because in this level of learning you can interact with different kinds of persons. Highschool is the best experience that we should not miss.

            Highschool can be described in many ways, but the most general description is; FUN, WILD, MEMORABLE. First, Fun because highchool is about interacting with one another it is the time of team building with each other and it also deals with the happiness of your section having fun and making fun with one another. Second, being wild is the second description because all new things will be experience in this stage, this I the stage of your life that you are being curious with the things around you and it comes with green jokes, love life, heartaches, and also having enemies. This is the time you are exploring the new world of being a teenager. Lastly, Unforgettable because all in all this is the series of our life that we are definitely treasuring every moment because we know highschool don’t last forever but instead through reminiscing the happy moments you have done in highschool will not be forgotten until the end of time.

            I conclude that Highschool was the best experience that I ever had and we should treasure all the moments that we have done inside and outside the campus. Highschool was the greatest opportunity that was given to us because this is the time when we can communicate and interact with different culture of people. This stage of our life is the beginning of being a teenager and it will last until we are fulfilled with our duties and to be qualified as young adult or adult. 


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